Help us pay local people to replant Sumatran tiger habitat!
The COVID 19 crisis has hit rural Indonesians hard. Many people now can’t afford to buy rice and they are getting increasingly desperate, putting precious Sumatran tiger habitat at risk of illegal encroachment.
But with your help, we are urgently launching a project to pay local people to replant and protect the rainforest!
Your emergency gift will help us:
This is an emergency project, brought on by the sheer desperation following COVID-19 lockdowns, and we need your help to make it happen.
Alongside anti-poaching patrols we are urgently establishing a project to provide local people with a massive incentive to protect surrounding rainforests.
With your support over the next few months, local people in urgent need of work will be paid to collect seeds from the forest, cultivate native seedlings, and replant crucial habitat in the Bukit Tigapuluh Ecosystem, one of the last habitats of Critically Endangered Sumatran tigers.
At the same time, you’ll be supporting additional anti-poaching patrols during this critical period, making sure indigenous children get a nutritious meal during their school day, and you’ll be supporting local people to plant forest-friendly agriculture in degraded buffer zones, finally providing an alternative to deathly mono-plantations!
This critical work urgently needs people like you - people who care deeply about our planet, and know there’s simply no need to pit people against wildlife or the economy against the environment. The work you are helping make happen today protects all people and all wildlife.
This is an ambitious project in a time of crisis, and we urgently need your help so we can make sure it has the best chance of success.
In July, we brought together desperate local workers to operate in three rotating shifts for five days in a row. They collected seeds, cultivated seedlings and began replenishing critical lost habitat.
More teams are being set up right now - and planting can begin as soon as we’ve secured the additional funding we need. With your help - each reforesting team will plant 50 hectares of native rainforest!
Your support of this crucial work will provide jobs to people who desperately need work, and restore habitat for Critically Endangered Sumatran tigers.
Please give an emergency gift and help us launch this game-changing project!
Thank you!