Help build the solution to human-tiger conflict
As Sumatra's forests disappear, so too do the animals tigers once hunted. In their desperate fight for survival, tigers are forced to prey on livestock. But farmers need their cattle for money and food. In their despair, farmers feel they have no choice but to kill these majestic beings to protect their herds.
The situation is heartbreaking and alarmingly urgent. Tigers and forest edge communities are in danger. We must act quickly to fix this problem.
You can be a hero in this story! Today, your act of generosity can help to create peaceful coexistence between tigers and humans.
Please donate by 13 October to help build tiger-proof livestock pens (cattle corrals). By empowering farmers with the means to protect their livestock, we can put an end to this tragic cycle of tiger killings.
No matter the size of your gift, your generosity will do so much good. Every dollar you give to building cattle corrals will help protect tigers and support farmers’ livelihoods.
Together, we can transform this tragic tale into one of peace and harmony, where tigers and humans thrive side by side.
Thank you for your compassionate support.