Building Hope for Human-Tiger Coexistence

Our project partner Sumatera Hijau Lestari (SHL) is at the forefront of addressing human-tiger conflict through education and practical solutions.

Human-tiger conflicts are a pressing issue in the Gunung Leuser National Park (GLNP) area, where villages like Bukit Mas, Halaban, and Mekar Makmur coexist with the majestic but Critically Endangered Sumatran tigers. The encroachment of farming land into tiger habitats has heightened the frequency of these conflicts, threatening both human lives and tiger populations.

Our project partner Sumatera Hijau Lestari (SHL) has been at the forefront of addressing these conflicts through education and practical solutions. By educating villagers about forest boundaries, the status and functions of forests, and proper wildlife conflict management, SHL is fostering a community of informed and proactive conservationists.

The Tiger Proof Enclosure (TPE) Initiative

A cornerstone of SHL's efforts is the construction of Tiger Proof Enclosures (TPEs) to safeguard livestock and, consequently, livelihoods. These enclosures have proven to be highly effective in protecting livestock from tiger attacks, thereby reducing the economic and emotional toll on farmers.

Since 2022, SHL has assisted with the construction of 16 TPEs in Bukit Mas Village alone. These enclosures, each measuring 10 x 10 metres, provide a robust barrier against tiger incursions. By creating a safe space for livestock, TPEs prevent the devastating losses that occur when tigers prey on farm animals, which can cripple a family's income and destabilise the local economy.

SHL's team plays a crucial role in the success of these enclosures by regularly inspecting them to ensure their integrity and effectiveness. Moreover, the presence of SHL's team in the village fosters a sense of security among the villagers, who know that they have reliable partners in their efforts to coexist peacefully with wildlife. This relationship is further strengthened through educational workshops and training sessions that SHL conducts to teach villagers how to properly maintain the enclosures and handle any potential wildlife encounters.

The success of the TPE initiative in Bukit Mas Village is a powerful example of how practical, community-based solutions can lead to positive outcomes for both humans and wildlife. With continued support and collaboration, SHL aims to expand this initiative to other villages bordering the Gunung Leuser National Park, promoting a harmonious coexistence between people and tigers across the region.

Community Engagement and Education

Beyond the physical construction of TPEs, SHL's role in the community is multifaceted. The organisation actively monitors tiger habitats and populations, keeping a watchful eye on potential conflict zones. By socialising conflict mitigation strategies and responding promptly to incidents, SHL ensures that both human and tiger lives are protected.

The success of the TPE initiative is a testament to the importance of community involvement and education in conservation efforts. By empowering villagers with knowledge and practical solutions, SHL is fostering a culture of coexistence and mutual respect between humans and wildlife.

Looking Ahead

As we move forward, continued support from donors is crucial in expanding and maintaining these life-saving enclosures. Your contributions enable SHL to provide the necessary materials and expertise to build more TPEs, educate more communities, and monitor more tiger populations.

Together, we can build a future where humans and tigers thrive side by side, ensuring the preservation of these magnificent creatures and the prosperity of the communities that share their home.

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